Art by Hoppow Norris

Monday, February 27, 2012

Stop the Bleeding

love one-another

   Recently there has been a wave of media attention on Indian issues – casinos and blood quantum of course.  Starting with the Cherokee kicking the Freedmen off their roles and more recently the small gaming tribes in California dis-enrolling members based on lineage research and even DNA testing.  It has been sickening how biased the media has been due to their obvious bent against Indian gaming.  It seems like no one has any clue how to even approach these highly complex issues, mostly due to ignorance and laziness when it comes to understanding Indian sovereignty and policy, so they just report the most egregious manifestations of a long history of identity confusion and racism.  As with most “newsworthy” issues, what is debated is mostly irrelevant to the majority of those most affected.  What is telling from these discussions is how little people know about actual Indians, and what they do know is based purely on stereotypes that persist as others are challenged, and that most people still see Indians as a race of people – an ethnicity rather than as hundreds of distinct in-tact identities.